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The Library and Documentation Service of the University of Valencia is committed to fostering and maintaining alliances with national and international entities in order to share knowledge, resources, and best practices. Our active participation in networks and cooperative projects allows us to enrich our services and provide our users with access to a wide range of quality resources and tools.


The SBD participates in the following REBIUN strategic lines 3 and working groups:

Line 3 of the V Strategic Plan of the REBIUN library network 2024-2027. Equipment and professional training.

It is necessary for institutions to have agile and efficient structures that allow the adaptation and optimal management of resources, both human and material, of current library spaces and services and those that will undoubtedly arise in connection with the digital transformation.

This requirement implies the transformation, evolution and, in some cases, the creation of new professional profiles and digital competencies that must be addressed and developed. The line will work in two areas: Models of organization of work teams and development and boosting of professional talent.

Information and documentation generated by the line

Working groups:

Bibliographic heritage working group

This group is in charge of disseminating the bibliographic heritage of the libraries belonging to REBIUN.

Information and documentation generated by the group

Intellectual property working group

This group works with the aim of facilitating and disseminating information on intellectual property rights of interest to university libraries

Information and documentation generated by the group


BUVAL is a consortium that brings together the five public university libraries of the Valencian Community with the aim of coordinating their activities, combining resources and sharing experiences, in order to improve efficiency in management processes, as well as offering more services.


The Conference of Archives of Spanish Universities (CAU) is made up of archive technicians from Spanish universities, both public and private, with the aim of collaborating on common tasks, objectives and achievements that lead to improving the management of the documentary heritage of Spanish higher education centres. The SBD participates in the following groups:


Collaboration with the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Sciences de l’Information et des Bibliotheques (ENSSIB), where the Conservators of State Libraries are trained. For three consecutive years, the UV SBD has received three conservators for their practical training period.


The University of Valencia has participated in the Dialnet project since 2005. Currently, our libraries carry out the emptying of magazines, and the indexing of chapters of collective works and conferences published by the University. The indexing of chapters of collective works is also carried out, according to the agreed emptying criteria. At this time, the staff of the University libraries is responsible for the current and retrospective dumping in DIALNET of 170 journal titles.

DIALNET is compiled within interlibrary loan service and the service of printed magazine provision, which has led to an increase of the petitions of documents referenced in DIALNET requested to these two services. Additionally, a part of the introduced data is used as the entrance to RODERIC repository.

The main objective of UV’s participation in DIALNET is to give visibility of its own production, not only dumping magazines and collective works, but also reviewing and completing information ofr the authors included in DIALNET who are a part of the university community. Hence, in the latter years, work is being carried out to improve information related to the UV, which is available through the UV’s institutional site in DIALNET. In them, each UV authors have their own personal pager where their publications are compiled.

The current state of the project is reflected in the Dialnet Report
Any error found along the information shall be communicated at: revista@uv.es


Since 2020 the SBD has been a member of EXPANIA, the Spanish group of users who use computer applications from the Ex Libris company to manage libraries and electronic information resources.


SBD participates since 2020 in the BIP Working Group: Libraries and Intellectual Property.

Created in 1996, the main objective of the FESABID BPI Working Group is to contribute to the defense of the right to intellectual property adapted to the role of libraries. It studies and prepares technical reports that it submits to the Board of FESABID, and acts according to the information demand of the Federation.  


BEGV, Specialized Libraries of the Generalitat Valenciana, is the network formed by specialized libraries and documentation centers dependent on the Generalitat Valencian. The SBD begins a collaboration in 2022 to share experiences and optimize services.                 


The Collective Catalogue of Periodicals of the Spanish Health Sciences Libraries, known as C-17, contains information on the collections of the health sciences libraries of the 17 Spanish Autonomous Regions. It is one of the main working tools of the libraries and documentation units of Health Sciences.


The Universitat de València has an interlibrary loan document supply agreement with OCLC (Online Computer Library Center). It is currently the main client for this type of loan.One OCLC initiative is WorldCat, which brings together under a single consultation interface all the bibliographic holdings available in OCLC that are located in a library and, in addition, the Open Access content present in WorldCat. It contains collections from more than 15,000 libraries in 107 countries. It is the world's largest bibliographic database.The Trobes catalogue is one of those included in WorldCat. OCLC member libraries' local catalogues are regularly synchronized with the database.


The Libraries and Documentation Service of the University of Valencia has been a member of the UNIRIS purchasing group since 2000. The group has the main objective of acquiring, in the best possible conditions, scientific information resources. In this sense, it also promotes the sharing, in a discreet and always respectful way of the contractual agreements of each institution, the most relevant information (uses and costs) that allows having a global vision that makes it possible to present, to the different editors and / or aggregators and producers of content and services, advantageous negotiation terms for all participating institutions.


The Libraries and Documentation Service of the University of Valencia participates since 2014 in SCOAP3 (Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics), an international open access project led by CERN. The consortium is made up of more than 3,000 libraries, funding agencies and research centers from 44 countries, regions or territories, in addition to 3 intergovernmental organizations. Its mission is to facilitate open access publication in certain relevant journals in the field of high-energy physics at no cost to the authors, thanks to the contribution of the participating institutions that pass on to the consortium their investment in subscriptions to these journals. SBD also participates in the SCOAP3 initiative for books, established in 2019, which aims to make key monographs in the field open access. After the pilot phase (2021-2022) 60 titles are available in open access and for the next phase (2023-2024) it is planned to expand the selection with 21 more titles.


Since 2013 the SBD (Libraries and Documentation Service) of the UV collaborates in the elaboration of authority recordings in Cantic, the Authorities Catalogue of Names and Titles of Catalonia, which is coordinated by the Library of Catalonia and in which universities and other institutions of a cultural nature which use Catalan as the official Language for the elaboration of the content of its catalogues take part.
The SBD elaborates authorities in accordance with the international regulations (AACR2, RDA, and MARC21) and the specific guidelines of the Cantic. The fact of collaborating in this project is considered strategic for the SBD since standardization is an indirect way of contributing     our authors’ standardized names in other International files of authors like VIAF or the CERL Thesaurus .


The UV collaborated between 2010 and 2012 in the project Europeana Regia, funded with the collaboration of the European Committee. This project, in which other important European Libraries participated (BnF, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Royal Library if Belgium, Herzog August Bibliothek), had as a purpose the digitalization and access to more than 1,500 medieval and Renaissance manuscripts belonging to important Royal collections.
The SBD (Libraries and Documentation Service) provided 92 Renaissance manuscripts of the Aragonese Neapolitan kings’ collection.