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Menu and no-menu pages

“I have just finished a page (both title and text) and I have saved all its elements. However, it is not published.” This is one of the most frequent questions that are asked to the Web and Marketing Unit. In most cases, the problem was originated when the new element “Page” was created, due to the fact that its use was not properly defined.

8 may 2019

imatge del gestor

When you create a new element “Page” (instructions only available for UV staff), the manager will ask you what type of page you want: Menu or No-menu. What is the difference?

Menu pages are developed so that they are published where they are assigned in the edition tree. No matter if they are a tab of the main menu or a subtab of second or third level. The title introduced in this page gives the name to the publication and its content can be free-text, components or links. This is the type of page that we will need more often.

On the other hand, no-menu pages are simply content containers and are not published. However, its content does appear by means of links to other elements, were they banners, texts, information circles or even main menus.

We have an example in the images that illustrate these lines. In this case, we are dealing with a banner of the website of the Faculty of Pharmacy that links with a series of contents located in the no-menu page that is called “Microsite Universalut”. This no-menu page contains another menu page that includes a series of other menu pages that create a drop-down to which you can access by clicking on the banner “Universalut” in the cover.  It is the only way of accessing to this content. As it is located in a no-menu page of the edition tree, it won’t have any appearance in publication.

More information about the creation of pages (instructions only available for UV staff)
