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How the TiquetingUV application works and its range of applications

4 may 2022

The support application of the Universitat de València for the attention of users online, ‘TiquetingUV’, which has launched the Web and Marketing Unit, is a very functional system of requests with a wide range of areas and types of requests, which allows adding descriptions and comments on the problem to be solved by the entities of the UV, and the interaction between the applicant and the team that has to solve the request. Its entry into service, on the other hand, has meant the unification and gradual substitution of several previously existing ticketing applications.

People using TiquetingUV have to authenticate with their UV email username and password and choose the type of support they want. All kinds of files can be added to specify the requests, and once the fields are filled in, the request arrives immediately to the team that has to solve it. The interactions between the person who fills in the form and response team are recorded for a better control of the service quality to be provided. In addition, it is useful for crediting the number of tickets solved over time.

Support Cirlcles.

Once identified with a username and password, the application opens a home page with an introduction that briefly explains how the system works, and eight links with the typologies into which the wide range of possible requests have been grouped, meticulously elaborated according to the needs that have been detected with the experience accumulated in the attention to users. 

Each of the links leads to a form detailing the issue, where the first field (filled in automatically) corresponds to the requester, the second to the priority type of the task, which can be chosen from a drop-down menu; the third field is a summary of the task, the fourth asks to define the type of the request to be chosen from a drop-down menu, and the fifth field is a detailed description of the request. The remaining fields are for the applicant’s telephone number, for identifying the centre or body for which the task is requested, and for attaching documents.

The ‘Type of support’ field offers, by means of a drop-down menu, dozens of options for each type of request, from the creation of new web portals, to the generation of all types of editing and graphic design elements, translations, registration or deregistration of editors and publishers, editing of AgendaUV events etc.
