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Knowledge branch: Engineering and architecture

Taught at: School of Engineering

Undergraduate degree website:

Credits: 240

Basic training: 60

Compulsory: 138

Elective: 18

Work Placement/Internship: 12

Final Project: 12

Degree code: 1406

Classes: face-to-face

Years: 4

Places available for new students
[2023-2024 academic year]:

Price per credit
[2023-2024 academic year]:
17,34 €

Regulated professions for which the degree certificate qualifies: ------

Languages used in class: Spanish, Valencian

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 24 ECTS

Degree Academic Committee President (CAT): José Rafael Magdalena Benedicto

Degree Coordinator: Marcelino Martínez Sober

Work Placement/Internship Coordinator: Antonio José Serrano López

International Coordinator: José David Martín

Academic, scientific or professional interest:

The Degree in Data Science provides a multidisciplinary training in the acquisition, processing, transformation and extraction of knowledge from large volumes of a wide range of data (numbers, images, video, text, etc.), as well as to apply them in areas such as health, social relations, politics, the environment, economy and the company. The Degree provides a solid knowledge base in the field of mathematics, statistics, computer science, artificial intelligence, law, health and business, which allow responding to the growing demand of society to make decisions based on the information that data provides us.

Worth Noting:

This degree provides the necessary knowledge for professional development as data analyst, big data specialist, artificial intelligence expert, business consultant, data architect and, in general, all those jobs that require a good data knowledge. In addition, it qualifies to hold responsibility positions in the organisations and to take the lead in projects thanks to a specific training in the management of innovation and professionals skills.