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Knowledge branch: Arts and humanities

Taught at: Faculty of Geography and History

Undergraduate degree website:

Credits: 240

Basic training: 60

Compulsory: 138

Elective: 30

Work Placement/Internship: ------

Final Project: 12

Degree code: 1006

Classes: face-to-face

Years: 4

Places available for new students
[2023-2024 academic year]:

Price per credit
[2023-2024 academic year]:
12,79 €

Regulated professions for which the degree certificate qualifies: Not applicable

Languages used in class: Spanish, Valencian

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 30 ECTS

Degree Academic Committee President (CAT): Marta García Carrión

Degree Coordinator: Adrià Besó Ros

Work Placement/Internship Coordinator: Mireia Ferrer Álvarez

International Coordinator: Mª Luisa Vázquez de Agredos

Academic, scientific or professional interest:

The main objective of the Degree in History of Art is to provide a broad training by means of a global and critical knowledge of all of the areas related to artistic production, different artistic movements throughout history and the social reception of art. This means preparing the student for professional practice with a specific training in the history of art, which, in turn, will enable them to enter the workforce successfully.

Worth Noting:

The theoretical subject areas incorporate practical blackboard exercises, analyses of historical texts and complementary activities that aid studying and comprehension and contribute towards the student’s overall grade.

Students have the chance to carry out optional external internships (for 6 credits), which will allow them to get closer to one of the professions related to the history.

The History, History of Art and Geography and the Environment degrees have the same academic pathway in the fourth year. This pathway is made up of 30 optional credits and is aimed at those who wish to take the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teaching.