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Knowledge branch: Engineering and architecture

Taught at: School of Engineering

Undergraduate degree website:

Credits: 240

Basic training: 66

Compulsory: 132

Elective: 18

Work Placement/Internship: 12

Final Project: 12

Degree code: 1402

Classes: face-to-face

Years: 4

Places available for new students
[2023-2024 academic year]:

Price per credit
[2023-2024 academic year]:
17,34 €

Regulated professions for which the degree certificate qualifies: Telecommunication Technical Engineer

Languages used in class: English, Spanish, Valencian

Minimum number of enrolment credits per student: 60 ECTS full-time/30 ECTS part-time

Degree Academic Committee President (CAT): José Rafael Magdalena Benedicto

Degree Coordinator: Fernando Mateo Jiménez

Work Placement/Internship Coordinator: Jesús Soret Medel

International Coordinator: Luis Gómez Chova

Academic, scientific or professional interest:

The Degree in Telecommunications Electronic Engineering provides a general teaching in the techniques and methods of engineering. At the same time, students acquire knowledge specific to the area of expertise as well as commercial and social skills that will help them to develop in the professional world. Thus, these studies offer an extensive teaching in the field of science and technology and, in particular, applied technology. Equally, they provide guidance in economics and business and knowledge about social and humanistic affairs.

Worth Noting:

The degree provides the skills needed to work as a telecommunications technical engineer, and therefore the skills (graduation profile) are defined as established in Order CIN/352/2009. Students can choose 18 optional credits from the available optional subjects that are specific to the degree or those that correspond to the other degrees in the branch of Engineering.