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Raised fists on a purple background.
25N: against all forms of gender-based violence

Conference given by Gabriela Moriana. Director of the University Institute for Women’s Studies of the Universitat de València.

This lecture will deal with the definition of violence against women on an international, European, national and regional level, as well as the different types of cultural, structural and direct violence suffered by women just because they are women. In addition, the speaker will address the institutional response to violence, the cycle of gender-based violence and the barriers that women suffer in order to escape from it.

Gabriela Moriana Mateo is director of the University Institute for Women's Studies, professor of Social Work and Social Services at the Universitat de València and feminist activist.


Date 24 november 2022 at 19:00 to 20:30. Thursday.


UVGandia (C/Tossal, 8)

Organized by


University Institute for Women's Studies-UV.

