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Del fanzine a la editorial. Conferencia de Martín López Lam. 16/0/2020. Centre Cultural La Nau. 19.00h
From the fanzine to editorial

Cycle of Conferences:  Self-publishing as a profession.

From the fanzine to editorial.

By Martín López Lam

Moderated by:  Alejandro Álvarez (Fanzineología)

Martín López Lam is one of the biggest advocates of self-publishing and independent publishing. Author of works such as Sirio, El título no corresponde, or the FNAC-Salamandra Graphic Novel Award winner, El año de la rata, he is also editor in chief of Ediciones Valiente, one of the country's most interesting alternative publishers. He is also one of the visible figures of Tenderete, the graphic and sound self-publishing festival. This festival has been encouraging for a decade the creative scene of fanzines and comics, which has become one of the most important events in Europe. 

Free entry, limited capacity.


Date 16 january 2020 at 19:00 to 21:00. Thursday.


Seminar Rooms. La Nau Cultural Centre.

Organized by

Comic Society.

