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Programme of the presentation ceremony of the Chair on Educational Transformation
Presentation of the Inter-University Chair on Educational Transformation UV

The Universitat de València, the Universitat Jaume I and the Conselleria d'Educació de la Generalitat Valenciana have signed an agreement for the creation of a Chair of Educational Transformation named after Carmen Miquel, teacher, writer and promoter of teaching in Valencian.

One of the main objectives of this Chair is to promote research, training and reflection on the world of non-university education in order to contribute to the improvement of the Valencian education system.

Please find attached the invitation and programme for the presentation of the Chair which will take place on Thursday 17th November at 10am in the PB 04 of the Faculty of Education.



Date 17 november 2022 at 10:00 to 11:30. Thursday.


Faculty of Teacher Training

Organized by

Inter-University Chair in Educational Transformation 'Carme Miquel'..



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