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The Historical Library opens again

  • July 20th, 2017
Biblioteca Històrica Universitat de València

The Historical Library of the Universitat de València has re-opened its doors after an internal transfer of bibliographical collections that, during the month, has change the location of 105.000 books, all of them very valuable, printed and hand-written between the 15th and the 20th centuries. These books form without any doubt the most valuable heritage of the Universitat de València, both from a cultural and an economical perspective.

We only need to remember that the Universitat de València custodies the first literary book printed in the Iberian Peninsula “"Obres o trobes en lahors de la Verge Maria”, a unique volume in the world, or one of the three conserved volumes of “Tirant lo Blanch”, in addition to the collection of manuscripts proceeding from the library of the Aragonese kings in Naples.
The objective of the transfer is to achieve great security measures and optimal conservation conditions for these bibliographical treasures, as well as offering more exhibitions and guided visits to the “Duque de Calabria” Room.