Electronic management UVUniversity of Valencia Logo del portal

Firstly, the message must be read. A message can’t be redirected without having previously read it.

Select “Redirect message”

Once the message is read, all the available actions will appear. Click on “Redirect message”.

Select the unit and redirecting type.

Select the redirecting type in the new window.

Total. In case the sender wishes to delegate the message management to the new recipient.

Share If the message management is shared.

Note: If the sender selects a total redirection, it will only be possible to select the “See history” option.

It’s then necessary to specify the reason for redirecting. Choose between the default options or select “Other” and add a descriptive text.

After that, select the unit. Click on the icon and select one or more units from the list to which the message must be redirected.

Lastly, select the destination group.

Note: If a message is redirected to more than one unit, it will only be possible to select common generic groups.

Re-sending a message

Click on the Redirect button on the window’s bottom right.