Electronic management UVUniversity of Valencia Logo del portal

Once the receipt or acknowledgement is generated, the electronic record related to the request and the corresponding message will be created on the e-Valija platform.
As previously mentioned, the message will be assigned a certain type of destination depending on the selected management group or circuit in the request.

Messages initially managed by the Central Registry Office: Messages whose management group or circuit wasn’t marked as a “direct recipient” by the Unit.

Messages directly handled by the management group of the destination unit: Messages whose management group or circuit was marked as a “direct recipient” by the Unit. 
The unit group will be in charge of receiving the records corresponding to each request during the verification phase.  

By default, unit-type messages come with the following actions: “See message”, “See recipients”, “See comments and status”, “Create an e-mail”, “Redirect message” and “Reject message”.
After the message was redirected / rejected at least once, the option “See history” will be enabled:

On the other hand, person-type messages (P2U) come with the following default actions: “See message”, “See recipients”, “See comments and status”, “See applicants”, “Create an e-mail”, “Notifications management” and “Redirect message”. The “electronic record” action comes with version 1.3:
The electronic record related to P2U-type messages is accessible as an additional action available inside the message.
A redirected person-type message will also contain actions such as “See history”; furthermore, units that received redirected messages will also be able to use the “Reject message” action.