Access and Admission Procedure for foreign students
The Management Committee of the University Access and Pre-Enrolment Processes of the Valencian University System, in its meeting of Thursday 30th March 2017, agreed to accept the procedure of certification of qualifications for access and admission to the University for the 2017/18 academic year and subsequent years, which the National University of Distance Education (UNED) has regulated for students of foreign studies.
Thus, in the university pre-enrolment process, Valencian public universities will accept the following certifications that are included in the UNED accreditations:
- Certification of the university entrance mark, as a result of the validation of the student's baccalaureate mark obtained in their country of origin.
- Certification of the marks obtained in exams of subjects of the Specific Competences Tests (PCE) carried out at the UNED.
- Certification of the marks obtained in external assessment tests carried out in the country of origin. This certification will only be accepted for certificates of studies from countries with a university access agreement and provided that it is explicitly stated in the Accreditation that they have been obtained as a result of external assessment tests.
For foreign students from countries without an access agreement:
1.- Before applying for the homologation of foreign studies for the Spanish equivalents, they must apply to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Secretaría General Técnica. Sección de Convalidación de Estudios Extranjeros no Universitarios.
C/ Los Madrazo, 15 28012-Madrid-Spain Phone 91 327768
2.- The structure of the UNED’s access and admission procedures is as follows (with some specific examples)
Access to the information the pre-enrolment application (Regional Ministry of Education
Once you have the relevant documentation, you must pre-enrol at the university where you wish to study.
In the case of the Universitat de València, this procedure (application for a place) is the responsibility of the Regional Ministry of Education and brings together the offer of the five Valencian public universities.
University districts are entities that group together all the universities in the same autonomous community for the purpose of allocating places. Each district establishes deadlines and forms to formalise the request.