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Normativa conciliación

Regarding conciliation, we have the following regulations:




The UV has implemented a series of specific measures to support teleworking and favor conciliation in times of COVID-19, incorporating some considerations in the various instructions to adapt to the new situation of remote work:

  • I

    Instruction from the Management of the University of Valencia on preventive measures as a result of the situation generated by the transmission of COVID-19, published on 09/09/2020: IUV 17/2020.


    The possibility of working remotely for UV personnel is envisaged when dependents or minors who live together have to quarantine for possible COVID contagion.

    Management Instruction on measures in the field of PAS and Research Support Personnel in this de-escalation period, published on 06/02/2020, IUV11 / 2020:

    • defines the non-contact modalities of work and working hours for personal and family conciliation, limit face-to-face work, regulates the procedure for situations of special vulnerability of personnel and special conciliation situations, and establishes the conditions of attention to the public and meetings.