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Financial Suport for Gender equality

Since 2011, the University of Valencia has called for financial support for the organization of conferences, conferences and other public events to promote equality between women and men and the visibility of women in the university.

The deadlines for submitting applications are from January 10 to January 31, 2023.

Applications will be submitted electronically through the electronic Registry by sending the request through the UV electronic bag. When accessing the electronic Registry, select:

  • Type of Unit: University Services and Central Services.
  • Name of recipient unit: Unitat d'Igualtat
  • Target group: Ayudes Igualtat PAS / PDI
  • It is mandatory to fill in the Description field: indicate the name of the activity for which the aid is requested.

The application form and the activities report must be attached, according to what is established in the Terms and Conditions of the Call for equality aid 2023.

Do you have doubts? If you need to ask us any questions, you can write to us at


The purpose of this call is to provide support for the organization of awareness campaigns, conferences, committees, round tables and days and other public events, preferably monographic and short-lived, which organizes and promotes any instance of the University of Valencia, which aim to promote equality between women and men and the visibility of women at university level and, in particular, which respond to the objectives of the institution's equality policies or which are incorporated in other fields.

In particular, the Third Equality Plan of the University of Valencia covers four major challenges such as reconciliation and co-responsibility; action against masquerading, the transversality of the gender perspective in teaching and university research, and training on equal and anti-mascist violence.

Similarly, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development boosts the international community's commitment to achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls through a specific objective (Objective 5: Gender Equality) and across the board in others, to which our Equality Plan is linked.