The equality commissions of the Blasco Ibáñez Campus developed the awareness and training campaign "Co-responsible men: a need for Equality", which aimed to contribute to the university community and the general public internalizing family and social co-responsibility as a need to bridge the gaps in care and achieve full equality between women and men.
On September 18, 2018, the awareness campaign "Co-responsible men: a need for Equality" began, with two interactive tools: the decalogue "EQUAL MAN" Decaleg.pdf, whose advice was sent every day on the Equality Unit's Facebook and Twitter social networks and the "Assess your co-responsibility" questionnaire.
On October 3, 2018, the “Men for Equality and Co-responsibility” conference was held for the entire university community, especially for men with a critical and active interest in the face of inequality.
Inaugural lecture "Men, Power and Change in Co-responsibility" by Fabián Luján Acevedo, sociologist, researcher and coordinator of Grupos de Hombres.
Round table "The need and difficulties of male co-responsibility" Access to the video
Paper: "The movement of men for equality and co-responsibility. Current state and perspectives for the future "by Joan Sanfèlix Albelda, sociologist specializing in masculinities and professor at the UJI, a member of Valencian Men for Equality.
Ignacio Gil Osés, graduate in Law and F. and C. of Education and activist of the Platform for Equal and Non-Transferable Permits for Birth and Adoption (PPiiNa)
Paper: Teresa Bondia Alberola, Head of the HR Service (PDI) at the University of Valencia
Paper: Celia Guillem Monzó, Head of the HR Section (PAS), at the University of Valencia.
- Vídeo: Experiences, debate and conclusions of the Conference "Men for Equality and co-responsibility