The University of Valencia promotes an atention against harassment and an informal complaint channel. This protocol was approved by the Governing Council on June 29, 2021 (replacing the one approved on February 28, 2012). In the information brochure we present the information in a summarized way.
Here you can access the full document: Protocol of the University of Valencia for action and response to sexual harassment, based on sex and other discriminatory harassment
- Formulari de denúncia (valencià)
- Formulario de denuncia (castellano)
This protocol was approved by the Governing Council on June 29, 2021 (replacing the approved Protocol on February 28, 2012) a protocol that responds to the new needs of the university community, which includes as main novelty the incorporation of students and an informal way of very fast and simple conflict resolution.
The Protocol against sexist violence and other discriminatory harassment places special emphasis on the protection of victims of sexist aggression, from the beginning of its activation and even beyond its completion. Throughout the protocol, the need to provide a comprehensive response to people who complain about sexist behaviors is manifested, guaranteeing care, protection and guidance so that the person subjected to harassment stops being, or considers themselves, a victim; as well as to prevent, avoid and act in the face of new problems that may arise, derived from the presentation of a complaint. Thus, and without prejudice to respect for the principle of presumption of innocence, it is foreseen the adoption of how many measures are considered proportionate and opportune to provide protection to the victim, aimed at preserving her indemnity. Monitoring of the victim over time is also foreseen, until she is recovered from the consequences caused by the harassment. This monitoring is based on comprehensive care to prevent and act on problems arising as a result of harassment, immediately or afterwards.
In any case, one of the challenges when implementing these measures is that the modification of work or study conditions aimed at the better safety of the victim is not harmful, thus prioritizing that they are modified, provided that where possible, those of the aggressor.