In accordance with the Organic Law on Gender Violence 1/2004 and the Equality Law 3/2007, the imbalance between Men and Women, both in their personal and social relationships, is based on the structural inequality that exists between them in our society. Gender violence is the maximum representation of this imbalance, both in its perspective that threatens physical and moral integrity.
The university community is no stranger to this situation. Students, faculty and service personnel are powerful belts for transmitting values and, therefore, the University has a privileged position in achieving transformation in behaviors and principles.
Courses offered annually from the Permanent Training Service
Prevention of gender violence at the University of Valencia.
Duration: 20 hours
Face-to-face modality
Teacher: Coto Talens
Workshops to stimulate university volunteering
Duration: 24 hours
Face-to-face modality
The Equality Unit of the University of Valencia carried out a campaign to raise awareness and prevent gender violence.
This action was framed in compliance with the measures provided for in the UVEG Equality Plan (2010-2012) as well as in the Operational Plan for this year, relating to the development of awareness-raising actions that promote the culture of equality and the eradication of gender violence (action 3.1.3), as well as actions for the prevention and early detection of inequality between men and women (action 3.1.4).
The published brochures warn about the potential risk situation of suffering mistreatment of women, for the simple fact of being, as well as the validity of masculinity and femininity models, origin of abusive behaviors that, to a large extent of the cases, they are difficult to detect to be considered "normal" or to be naturalized.
With this approach, this triptych proposes a test with 10 questions for each member of the couple (boy and girl) to assess the degree of abuse present in their relationship, both physically, as well as psychological or sexual, including threats, coercion , as well as control behaviors.
With the distribution of 2,000 bilingual brochures among the entire university community, the measure relating to the publication of information brochures on the most relevant aspects of the Plan is also met (action 1.2.3).
This graphic material has been provided by the Center for Women's Studies of the Universitat d'Alacant.