The Governing Council approved unanimously on 16 April 2019 the 3rd Equality Plan of the Universitat de València, which has 64 tasks to be carried out over a 4 year period (2019-2022). Just like the previous equality plans, it aims to achieve real equality among all genders.
The document had been agreed upon by CCOO, CSIF, STE-PV and UGT at the negotiating table, and a favourable report of the UV Commission of Equality Policies of the University was given. The proposal was presented to the Governing Council by the Vice-principal for Equality, Diversity and Sustainability, Elena Martínez. The Vice-principal described the plan as demanding as well as being the result of dialogue, consensus and hard work.
Although the principle of equality is part of the UV values, which are gathered in its statutes, the diagnosis for creating the 3rd UV Equality Plan shows persistent gender asymmetries among the student body, in the Teaching and Research Staff and in the Administrative and Services Staff. Thus, new measures must be adopted to ensure effective equality among all genders in our university.