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The Equality Unit launches a cycle of egalitarian debates at the La Nau Cultural Center, with which it is expected to contribute to consolidating a culture of equality at the University of Valencia, linked to the third of the axes of the II Equality Plan (2013-2017 : "Creation of a culture of Equality"). This activity, which will be periodic and variable, aims to help raise awareness and disseminate among the university community, and also in society in general, the equality policies promoted by the Equality Unit of the University of Valencia.

Among the objectives pursued with the debates of "La Nau de la Igualtat" stands out the fact of polemicizing the key elements of debate in feminist thought, in order to advance to achieve more consensual positions that favor the struggle and social conquests in matter of equality. Discussion tables are undoubtedly an ideal setting to encourage reflection and dialogue.

DEBATE"Advances and resistances towards an equal and non-sexist language" 

Day: October 22, 2020, at 6:00 p.m.

By videoconference


Mercedes Bengoechea, professor of Philology and expert in non-sexist uses of the language

Mercedes Quilis, tenured professor of Spanish Philology and author of the Guide for egalitarian language of the University of Valencia

Moderator: Magda Ruiz Brox, journalist


DEBATE: The exploitation of women and the sexual and reproductive market

Day: September 23, 2020, at 6:00 p.m.

By videoconference


Carme Valls Llobet, endocrinologist. She is the director of the “Women, Health and Quality of Life” program and a member of the editorial board of the magazine “Women and Health”.

Laura Nuño Gómez political scientist, researcher and feminist activist. She currently directs the Equality Observatory at the Rey Juan Carlos University. 

Moderator: Berta Chulvi, professor of Social Psychology UV and journalist


DEBATOnline work, is it consolidated?

Day: June 22, 2020, at 6:00 p.m.

By videoconference


Marcela Jabbaz Churba, professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences

Isabel Pla Julian, Professor of the Faculty of Economics

Immaculada Navarro Tomás, linguistic technician of the Generalitat Valenciana

Moderated by Elena Martínez García, vice-rector for Equaltat, Diversity and Sustainability


DEBATE. Prostitution, the world’s oldest sexual exploitation. Sociological aspects

Day: January 29, 2020, at 7:00 p.m.

Place: Aula Magna. Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences


Amelia Tiganus, feminist activist and member of

Ana de Miguel Álvarez, professor of Moral Philosophy and Politics URJC

Rosa Cobo Bedía, professor of Sociology at the UdC Gènere

Concha Hurtado Badenas, Spokesperson for the abolitionist front of the País Valencià

Moderated by Isabel Olmos Sánchez, journalist.


DEBATE. prostitution, The world’s oldest sexual exploitation. Judicial Aspects

Day: January 29, 2020, at 5:00 p.m.

Place: Aula Magna. Faculty of Philosophy and Education Science

Luis Jimena Quesada, professor of Constitutional Dret UV. Representative of the t l’Agency of Fundamental Rights of the EU.

Rosa Maria Guiralt Martínez, Delegate Prosecutor for Gender Violence at the Provincial Prosecutor's Office of València.

Lara Esteve Mallent, magistrate with exclusive competition in gender violence. Member of the "Women Judges" association.

Moderated by Silvia Llorente Escribano, journalist.


DEBATE. Trafficking, trauma and prostitution 

Day: September 23, 2019, at 6.30 p.m.

Place: Aula Magna. La Nau Cultural Center.

Ingerbord Krauss, psychotherapist specializing in trauma.


DEBATE. Is feminism compatible with religions?

Day: June 5, 2019, at 6.30 p.m.

Lloc: Paranimf. La Nau Cultural Center


Montserrat Escribano-Cárcel, licensed in Theology and professor of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences and of the Faculty of Theology

Mimunt Hamido Yahia, coordinator of the Initiative "NoNosTaparán"

Mariam Barouni Barouni, social worker. Spokesperson of the Islamic Cultural Center of València

Raquel Ortíz Piñero, coordinator of València Laica

Moderator: Lola Bañón, journalist.


DEBATEMen in the face of prostitution: prostitutes and pimps

Day: September 26, 2018, at 6:30 p.m.

Place: Auditorium. Aula Magna. The Nau Cultural Center.


Mabel Lozano, filmmaker and author of "The Pimp"

Raquel Rosario Sánchez, writer and specialist in Women's Studies, Gender and Sexuality. He is currently working on the masculinities of the prostitute men who use online communities as forums

Rachel R. Moran, author of "Paid for: My Journey Through Prostitution." Anti-prostitution activist.

Moderator: Noa de la Torre, journalist.

Fotos of the debate: publicació al Facebook

Vídeo of the debate


DEBATE. Following the social debate generated by the latest rulings on sexist violence, Justice and Feminism

Day and time: May 31, 2018, at 6:30 p.m



Lucía Avilés Palacios, magistrate and spokesperson for “Mujeres Juezas”

Teresa Peramato Martín, prosecutor attached to the Prosecutor's Office of the Chamber against Violence against Women, Margarita Soler Sánchez, President of the Legal Advisory Council and Professor of UV Constitutional Law

Moderator: Rosa Solbes López, journalist. Teresa Meana,

Fotos of the debate: publicació al Facebook

Vídeo of the debate 


DEBATE8M And now what? Are we facing the fourth wave?

Day and time: April 17, 2018, at 6:30 p.m

Speakers: Teresa Meana, Valencia Women's House; Reyes Beltrán, VAGA 8M care committee; Anahí Torralba, Feminist Assembly of Benimaclet

Moderator: Remei Castelló, journalist.

Fotos of the debate: publicació al Facebook

Vídeo of the debate


DEBATE.Prostitution and global capitalism

Date and time: September 28, 2017, at 6:30 p.m

Speakers:  Rosa Cobo, professor at the University of A Coruña and director of the Center for Gender and Feminist Studies and author of the books "Towards a new sexual politics. Women in the face of patriarchal reaction" and "Prostitution in the heart of capitalism "

Presented by: Ángela Escribano, equality expert and specialized docene in gender violence

Moderator: Violeta Tena, journalist

Fotos of the debate: publicació al Facebook

Vídeo of the debate


DEBATE. Imposed shared custody: a path to co-responsibility or an extension of gender-based violence?

Date and time: May 18, 2017, at 6:30 p.m.


Herminia Royo García, lawyer. Spokesperson for the Association of Separated and Divorced Women. Maria Josep Ortega Requena, Deputy of Compromís in the Valencian Cortes and mayor of Carlet. Spokesperson for the Commission for Gender Equality and LGTBI in the Courts.

Moderator: Julia Ruiz Martínez, journalist.

Fotos of the debate: publicació al Facebook

Vídeo of the debate


DEBATE"Feminist reflections on motherhood"

Date and time: Thursday, February 23, 2017, at 6:30 p.m.


Ana Marrades Puig. Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Valencia, Sara Jort Povea. Gestalt psychologist and psychotherapist from the French Institute of Gestalt Therapy, Maria Lozano Estivalis. Professor of the Department of Education at the Universitat Jaume I and Patricia Merino Murga. She has studied Fine Arts, Translation and Anthropology at various universities and a Master's degree in Feminist Studies from the Complutense University of Madrid.

Moderator: Berta Chulvi Ferriols. Journalist and PhD in Social Psychology.

Within the cycle of debates promoted by "La Nau de la Igualtat", "Feminist reflections on motherhood" is organized. In it, a series of questions related to motherhood will be exposed with the double objective of offering a critical reflection from feminist thought and trying to find answers to these questions, such as:

Is there a feminist motherhood? Is motherhood an experience of pleasure or a trap that generates gender gaps? Does feminism defend an empowered motherhood? Does motherhood have negative effects on the female workplace? What models exist in Europe to deal with the care of the offspring avoiding its negative effects in the workplace? What do feminists think of natural childbirth, breastfeeding or attachment parenting? ...

The round table will be composed of four feminist women from various academic fields who provide different arguments and positions regarding the questions raised in order to enrich the debate and promote reflections, both at the table and among the public.

Fotos of the debate: publicació al Facebook

Vídeo of the debate 

DEBATE: Surrogate wombs. Does all feminism say no?

Date and time: December 12, 2016, at 6:30 p.m.

Speakers: Alicia Miyares, PhD in Philosophy, Philosophy professor and collaborating professor at the University of Oviedo; spokesperson for the platform “We are not vessels” and Beatriz Gimeno, social activist, feminist for sexual diversity; deputy in the Madrid Assembly; Head of Equality in the Citizen Council of the Community of Madrid.

As with other aspects that affect women, we are witnessing a new debate capable of dividing the feminist movement. It is about surrogacy, an issue that requires serious reflection for various reasons.

Although in Spain this practice is prohibited by Law 14/2006 of May 26 on Assisted Human Reproduction Techniques, this prohibition is obviated by resorting to third countries that have not yet legislated in a restrictive way, such as India, Cambodia, Russia, some states Americans like Florida ... or countries much closer, like Greece.

The debate has focused mainly on the alleged right to maternity or paternity of those people who for various reasons cannot or do not wish to access a “conventional” maternity or paternity.

As a consequence, other no less important debates have been displaced, such as the implications for women with fewer economic resources and the limits of such a market (if it has any limits). Nor can the existence of other options to fulfill motherhood or fatherhood, such as international adoptions, escape the debate.

Fotos of the act: publicació facebook

Vídeo of the act

DEBATE. "Agreements and disagreements of feminism on prostitution"

Date and time: Wednesday, September 28, at 7 p.m.

Speakers: Ana de Miguel (Rey Juan Carlos University) and Ruth Mestre (University of Valencia) A few notes on the speakers

The debate takes place on the occasion of the celebration, during the month of September, of two related events, such as the international days of Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking of Women (September 23) and of Sexual and Reproductive Rights (September 28). ). It is a debate in which feminist agreements and disagreements regarding prostitution will be raised, and for which two recognized feminists experts in the field have been invited to defend the two great positions: Ana de Miguel, who advocates for the abolition of prostitution, and Ruth Mestre, from a position of regulation or recognition of rights (pro-rights). The dean of the Law School, Maria Elena Olmos, will be the moderator of a debate that promises to be very passionate, dealing with such a controversial issue as prostitution, which has historically divided the feminist movement. The objective of the debate is to make a contribution to the necessary reflection on these issues, to arrive at a position, the more unified the better, for the case at hand -in a more or less immediate future-, the so often claimed state pact on equality and against gender violence.