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  • Estudiants

«You deserve a six-year term»: support for the PDI in the call for six-year research

  • November 17th, 2020

The "Gregori Maians" Social Sciences Library and the "Pelegrí Casanova" Health Sciences Library offer the Suport + Indicis service to help you with the application for the six-year period of investigation. The objective is to help the research staff of the University of Valencia by providing them with a report prepared by the Library with objective data on the quality index of their scientific publications (metrics and citations).

The deadline for receiving applications will be from October 1 to December 11, 2020.

Around 70 researchers have already received your report and the results of our satisfaction survey on the Suport + Indicis service are unbeatable. We want to thank you for trusting the Library and for all the messages of thanks and congratulations that encourage us to continue offering you the best of services.

If you have not yet requested your free report, consult the centers to which the service is directed, the conditions and how to request it on the Suport + Indicis page. If you have any questions, contact your Library.