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University of Valencia Library participates in FESABID

  • December 16th, 2020

FESABID, the Spanish Federation of Archival, Library, Documentation and Museum Societies, a common spokesperson for information and documentation professionals, has incorporated four professionals into its Libraries and Intellectual Property Group: Betania Canellas (Zaragoza City Council Archive-Library) ; Lidia de Felipe (La Rioja Library); Eloísa García Moreno (IVAM Library) and Cristina Tomás (University of Valencia Libraries and Documentation Service).

Created in 1996, the main objective of the FESABID BPI Working Group is to contribute to the defense of the right to intellectual property adapted to the role of libraries. To do this, it studies and prepares technical reports that it submits to the Board of FESABID, and acts according to the information demand of the Federation. In addition, it promotes dissemination actions related to intellectual property for the library and related community.

The group aspires to be a benchmark in defense of the balance between intellectual property rights and the rights of access to culture and education.

More information on the Fesabid website.