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Cartel Diálogo Recursos para futurxs universitarixs LGTBI
Dialogue Resources for future LGTBI university students

Inter-university dialogue on good practice in services that universities have put in place to embrace diversity within the framework of the "University Pride".

The Dialogue will take place on July 15 at 17:00 hours, after the EBAU tests, live from the Diversitats Youtube Channel of the UV. The idea is to show future students that universities are welcoming and open to LGBTI people; that they will find different resources that will make their lives easier. Amongst others, there will be discussion of the existence of name change procedures for trans students; protocols against male chauvinist violence and discriminatory harassment; the existence of inclusive bathrooms or ways of participating in university life.

The Dialogue includes the participation of student groups and other members of the university community from different Spanish public universities. The following will participate in the meeting: Izan Parra (UCM), René Rodríguez (UGR), María Valvidares (UNIOVI), Polymorfia (UVEG), Tània Verge (UPF) and members of the LGTBIQA+ Grupo Motor (UAM), among others.


Date 15 july 2020 at 17:00 to 19:00. Wednesday.


Diversitats Youtube Channel

Organized by

Diversitats, UV diversity equality initiative..



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