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Eurorecerca 1493: Era-nets amb convocatòries obertes

  • 25 de gener de 2017
Eurorecerca 1493: Era-nets amb convocatòries obertes

Llistat de xarxes ERA-NET que tenen convocatòries obertes en l'actualitat.


Les era-nets són xarxes de l'Espai Europeu de Recerca amb finançament del Programa Marc europeu. Es formen entre diversos països al voltant d'un tema concret de recerca, on els membres són les agències finançadores de cada país respectiu que volen participar.

Les agències destinen per a les convocatòries una quantitat determinada de pressupost per a finançar els investigadors dels seus propis països dins els consorcis internacionals que proposen el projecte. Finalment, els projectes que resulten seleccionats a la convocatòria internacional reben el finançament corresponent de les agències nacionals respectives.



A continuació s’inclou un llistat amb les era-nets on participa el Ministeri d’Economia, Indústria i Competitivitat (MEIC) i que tenen obert en l'actualitat el termini de presentació de propostes. Fent clic a sobra el nom de l'era-net s'obrirà la pàgina web de la convocatòria corresponent.

Era-net Tema Convocatòria Final del termini
SOLAR Solar Energy

Topic A) Innovative and low-cost PV manufacturing issues Topic B) Advanced PV products and applications Topic C) PV system integration Topic D) CSP cost reduction and system integration



CORE ORGANIC COFUND Organic Food and Farming Systems

CORE Organic Cofund Call 2016. Topic 1: Ecological support in specialised and intensive plant production systems Topic 2: Eco- efficient production and use of animal feed at local level Topic 3: Appropriate and robust livestock systems: cattle, pigs, poultry Topic 4: Organic food processing concepts and technologies for ensuring food quality, sustainability and consumer confidence

COBIOTECH Biotecnology

Biotechnology for a sustainable bioeconomy. 1) Sustainable production and conversion of different types of feedstocks and bioresources into value-added products. 2) New products, value-added products and supply services. 3) Sustainable industrial processes

SUSFOOD2 Sustainable Food Production & Consumption

1) Innovation in food processing technologies and products 2) Added value, increased resource efficiency and reduction of waste in sustainable food systems 3) Understanding consumer behavior and food choices 4) Harmonisation of the methods and metrics for integrated assessment of sustainability of food products and food patterns

NEURON Disease-Related Neuroscience

Synaptic Dysfunction in Disorders of the Central Nervous System. a) Fundamental research on the pathogenesis and/or aetiology of synaptopathies. This may include the development of innovative or shared resources and new technologies for prevention, diagnosis or therapy of disease. b) Clinical research, including the exploitation of existing clinical data sets, to develop new strategies for prevention, diagnosis, and therapy for diseases in which synaptic dysfunction plays a key role.

NEURON Disease-Related Neuroscience Call for Proposals for research projects on Ethical, Legal, and Social Aspects (ELSA) of Neuroscience 03-05-2017
FLAG-ERA Graphene (Basic Research)

JTC 2017. Graphene (Basic research) 1. Synthesis and characterization of Layered Materials (LMs) beyond graphene 2. Large scale production of heterostructures based on LMs 3. Vertical and lateral epitaxy of Graphene and Related Materials (GRMs) for optoelectronics 4. Functional ceramics incorporating GRMs 5. Inks for printing stable, GRM-based, semiconducting thin films 6. Modelling charge and heat transport in GRM-based composites 7. Ecotoxicology of GRMs 8. Nanofluidics using GRMs 9. Novel device concepts based on GRMs for quantum communication 10. Beyond CMOS switches and new computing paradigms based on GRMs



Graphene (Applied Research & Innovation)

JTC 2017. Graphene (Applied research and innovation) 1. In-situ and ex-situ quality control of GRMs 2. Controlling doping in high quality large-area graphene 3. GRMs for smart textiles 4. Functional coatings using GRMs 5. GRMs for corrosion prevention and as lubricants 6. GRMs for thermal management and thermoelectrics 7. Biorecognition of specific disease markers using GRMs 8. Highly selective gas sensors based on GRMs 9. GRM-based bioelectronic technologies

FLAG-ERA Human Brain

JTC 2017. The Human Brain Project part of the call addresses both basic and applied research and consists of one sub-call. The thematic research areas to be considered for this call are also mentioned below. HBP (Basic and applied research) 1. Human brain intracranial data and their relationship to other aspects of brain organisation 2. Comparing morphology and physiology of cortical cell types in human and non-human primates 3. Comparative aspects of brain function and connectivity 4. Cross-species multi-scale data constraints for visuo-motor integration 5. The neural bases of spatial navigation and episodic memory 6. Models of auditory processing 7. Dynamics and representation in multi-level systems of human cognitive functions 8. Modelling dendrites within active networks 9. Testing predictive coding and attractor network models 10. Biological deep Learning 11. Disease modelling and simulation 12. Innovative modelling for allosteric drug discovery 13. Integration of simulation tools, neuromorphic computing and robotics with brain and behavioural studies for developing next-generation brain-computer interfaces 14. Text mining of cellular, synaptic, connectomic or functional properties of the brain

QUANTERA Quantum Tecnologies

Quantum Information and Communication Sciences & Technologies (Q-ICST). 1) Quantum communication 2) Quantum simulation 3) Quantum computation 4) Quantum information sciences 5) Quantum metrology sensing and imaging 6) Novel ideas and applications in quantum science and technologies

JPIAMR Antimicrobial Resistance

JPIAMR 5th Call. Comparison of prevention, control and intervention strategies for AMR infections through multidisciplinary studies, including One Health approaches. 1. One Health oriented pilot studies to determine feasibility and protocols for future large scale multi-center and multi-national studies of different prevention or intervention strategies designed to prevent AMR infections in community, health care, agricultural and environmental settings. The One Health approach is encouraged, but not mandatory. 2. Compared effectiveness and economic evaluation of the implementation of new and/or more cost-effective methods for rapid detection and diagnosis of infections by multi-drug resistant microorganisms (MDR) for the purpose of identification of appropriate therapy, transmission routes or early detection of outbreaks in different settings. 3. Investigations of efficacy and effectiveness of behavioral intervention strategies, public awareness strategies or other stewardship strategies aiming at reducing the use and misuse of antibiotics and the development and transfer of AMR. 4. Assessment of new methods to improve and raise hygiene and sanitation standards to reduce infections in health and care settings. 5. Evaluation of the impact of new ways to standardize and utilize antimicrobial use and transmission data on intervention strategies and prevention of antimicrobial resistance.

MORE YEARS, BETTER LIVES The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change

Third Call JTC 2017 "Ageing and place in a digitising world". Each application shall address the topic of Technology (1). Applications may also address topics of Place (2) and Learning (3), in relation with Technology (1)
