Universitat de ValènciaInstitut Universitari de Ciència dels Materials (ICMUV) Logo del portal


First-order isostructural phase transition induced by High-pressure in Fe(IO3)3


Comparative study of the high-pressure behavior of ZnV2O6, Zn2V2O7, and Zn3V2O6

A. K. Liang, S. Rahman, H. Saqib, P. Rodriguez-Hernandez, A. Muñoz, G. Nénert, I. Yousef, C. Popescu, and D. Errandonea   D. Díaz-Anichtchenko, D. Santamaria-Perez, T. Marqueño, J. Pellicer-Porres,J. Ruiz-Fuertes, R. Ribes, J. Ibañez, S.N. Achary, C. Popescu, D. Errandonea






Precise Characterization of the Rich Structural Landscape Induced by Pressure in Multifunctional FeVO4


GaN grownm on Mica: polarity, strain, and strain relaxation through the formation of telephone cord buckles

J. Gonzalez-Platas, S. Lopez-Moreno, E. Bandiello, M. Bettinelli, D. Errandonea   A. Cros, S. Garcia-Orrit, N. Garro, M. J. Recio-Carretero, F. Donatini, C. Bougerol, B. Gayral, E. Bellet-Amalric, J. L. Rouvière, R. Vermeersch, N. Feldberg, B. Daudin.











High pressure infrared study of SmVO4


25 years of the ICMUV: The archaeometry unit

J. Pellicer-Porres, T. Marqueño, E. Bandiello, A. Liang, A. Segura, A. Muñoz, P. Rodríguez-Hernández, D. Errandonea, I. Yousef   C. Roldan, S. Murcia.







Study of light emission in low-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride for photonic and optoelectronic applications


Biocompatible polymer/perovskite nanocrystals composite for sensing applications

M. Krecmarová, R. Canet-Albiach, H. Pashaei-Adl, S. Gorji, G. Muñoz-Matutano, M. Nesládek, J.P. Martínez-Pastor, J. F. ánchez-Royo.   E. Aznar-Gadea, P.J. Rodríguez-Cantó, J.P. Martínez-Pastor, R. Abargues.








Efficient interrogation method of forward Brillouin scattering in optical fibers using a narrow bandwidth long-period grating


Label free biosensors based on biogratings patterned on microfibers

L.A. Sánchez, A. Díez, J. L. Cruz, M. V. Andrés.   A. Juste-Dolz, M. Delgado-Pinar, M. Avellà-Oliver, E. Fernández, D. Pastor, M. V. Andrés, Á. Maquieira.









Low-cost printable metal oxides for electrocatalysis


The more the merrier: thicker pore walls to increase stability

J. Noguera-Gomez, P. J: Rodríguez-Canto, M. García-Tecedor, S. Giménez-Juliá, J.P. Martínez-Pastor, J. F. Sánchez-Royo, R. Abargues   V. Bellver, J. El Haskouri, J.V. Ros-Lis, A. Beltrán, P. Amorós.







Broad spectral tuning of polarizarion modulation instability in ethanol-filled photonic crystal fibers


Size, roughness and porosity control in mesoporous Stöber-type particles

A. Loredo-Trejo, A. Díez, E. Silvestre, m.V. Andrés.   M. Dolores Garrido, J. El Haskouri, J.V. Ros-Lis, A. Beltrán, P. Amorós.







Modulation of the lipase catalyzed hydrolysis of fats under simulated duodenal conditions


Investigation of inorganic single CsPbX3 (X=I, Br) perovskite nanocrystals by micro-photoluminescence

S. Muñoz-Pina, P. Amorós, J. El Haskouri, A. Andrés, J.V. Ros-Lis  

H. Pashaeiadl, S. Gorji, G. Muñoz Matutano, A. F. Gualdrón-Reyes, I. Mora-Seró, J. M. Pastor.







Flexible thermoelectric materials based on conducting polymers


Distinguishable separation of charged and neutral excitons at room temperature in anisotropic photoluminescence of TMD monolayers integrated in polymer waveguides

J. F. Serrano-Claumarchirant, M. Culebras, R. Abargues, A. Cantarero, R. Muñoz-Espí, C. M. Gómez.   D. Andrés-Penares, I. Suarez, R. E. Canet-Albiach, J.P. Martinez-Pastor, J. F. Sánchez-Royo.







What does Paella Valenciana contain? Ingredients and materials used in cooking procedures during 20th and 21st centuries


Enhanced hydrogenation catalytic activity with polydopamine as interfacial glue between Pd NPs and porous UVM-7 silica supports

M.Cruz Martínez, J. M. Soriano, C. Soler   J. El Haskouri, J. V. Ros-Lis, M. D. Marco, P. Amorós, M.A. Úbeda, F. Pérez-Pla









Polysaccharide/silica hybrid hidrogel spheres for controlled drug release


Metal-halide perovskite single crystal for optoelectronic applications

A. Elzayat, E. Tolba, F. Pérez-Pla, A. Oraby, R. Muñoz-Espí   I. Fernandez-Guillen, J. Noguera-Gomez, P.P. Boix







Multifunctional hybrid colloids: Polymers and inorganic meet at the nanoscale


Multi-elementary metal and metalloid quantification by ICP-MS in edible insects commercialized in Spain

I. Adam-Cervera, J. F. Ferrer-Crespo, F. Pérez-Pla, A. Torres-Suay, O. Álvarez-Bermúdez, K. Landfester, C. M. Gómez, R. Muñoz-Espí   A. González, J. M. Soriano, C. Soler