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The Biblioteca de Ciències Socials updates the tool "On publicar" for the researchers of its area

  • September 16th, 2022
Social Sciences
Social Sciences

The "On publish" tool for researchers in Social Sciences is now updated with the information corresponding to the JCR 2021.

"On publish" offers information that can help in the selection process of a journal: impact factor, quartile and position within the JCR category. As main data, we indicate whether or not the journal requires the payment of article processing fees (APC) or if this payment is subsidised by the transformative agreements subscribed by the Universitat de València. We also offer the journal's self-archiving policy extracted from SHERPA/RoMEO.

As a novelty, this year we include the open access typology of the journal (Diamond, Gold, Hybrid, Bronze) and whether the publisher requires submission fees. We have also expanded the number of JCR categories analysed from 24 to 28.

In total, more than 2500 titles have been analysed, all of them linked in our catalogue, which allows us to verify that the Servei de Biblioteques i Documentació has in its catalogue almost all the journals included in the JCR.

We remind our researchers that they will find the information on the journals included in the transformative agreements in their Trobes catalogue records. This information is available for all research areas. You can see an example in this link.

Any questions about research support can be directed to La Biblioteca Responde.