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cabecera historia onubib

In 1966, D.Efrén Borrajo Dacruz, Dean of the Faculty at that time, at the request of Professor of International Law D. Adolfo Miaja de la Muela, requested his Excellency U-Than (Secretary General of the United Nations) the condition that the Law School be the depository of the publications of this International Organization.

The United Nations Depositary Library of the Faculty of Dret of the University of Valencia DL / 248, began operating in December 1967, these publications were initially deposited in the Department of Public International Law.

In 1983 he took over the Depositary Library of the UN, the Library of the Faculty of Law, with the purpose of reorganizing the existing funds and leaving the treatment of the documentation in the hands of specialized personnel - library technicians - who could do it according to the UN specific rules on this matter and give it a new location.

In Spain there are four depository libraries: in Madrid (National Library and the School of Diplomatics), one in Barcelona (Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona), and in Valencia, that of the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia. These funds are currently located in the "Gregori Maians" Social Sciences Library, located on the Campus dels Tarongers -UV (2nd Floor-South Zone).

The United Nations Depositary Library of the University of Valencia (ONUBIB) receives funds published in the general distribution category called "Full Fund". These are:

  •     The official documents of the main organs of the UN
  •     Publications with sales number or subject.
  •     Periodicals
  •     The International Treaty Series.

The publications of:

  •     UNDP (United Nations Development Program).
  •     UNHCR (United Nations Refugee Program).
  •     UNEP (United Nations Environment Program).
  •     UNCHS (United Nations Center for Human Settlements).
  •     UNIDIR (United Nations Institute for Disarmament).
  •     UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Vocational Training and Research).
  •     UNFPA (United Nations Fund for population activities).
  •     and others.

The documentation arrives from the different UN headquarters in the world and is received in its edition in Spanish, although there are also publications that, for their interest, are received in other languages ​​(such as in English and French).

To get to know ONUBIB better, you can watch this video (spanish):