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Cartel: Jornada de presentación de cursos para combatir la brecha digital de género, 11 noviembre 2022 de 11:00 a 14:00, ADEIT y online, Inscripciones en:, Logos: Generalitat, Observatorio de brecha digital,  Cátedra de Brecha Digital de Género y de la Universitat de València.
Day of presentation of courses to combat the Digital Gender Gap

The Chair in Digital Gender Gap (UV-GVA) is organising this event to present a series of materials in video format. Specifically, two animations will be presented to make visible the digital gender gap in everyday situations, created by the illustrator Cirenia Arias Baldrich, and two digital courses to close this gap, developed by journalists and activists experts in gender equality Pilar Almenar Vara and Laura Bellver Carsí. The conference will be held on Friday 11 November at 11am at ADEIT, and can also be followed by streaming on the chair's youtube channel.


Date 11 november 2022 at 11:00 to 14:00. Friday.


ADEIT (Plaza Virgen de la Paz, 3, 46001 València )

Organized by

Chair in Digital Gender Gap (UV-GVA).



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