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Great Books in Management

Great Books in Management is a programme designed to introduce participants to some of the fundamental works of business management. The focus of the programme is on a practical vision of Humanistic Management, shown through texts that can be useful for the growth of people in the workplace and contribute to their full human development.

Relaxed meetings, for all audiences, in which reflection and dialogue are encouraged around great management readings. An approach to the contents of works that could be considered fundamental when it comes to understanding and dealing with everyday situations in the field of business management; and their implications, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal, family and social level.


Its main objective is to develop the ability to think globally, learning to integrate knowledge that allows us to better understand the fundamental problems we face today in the field of business organisation, and to find the best solutions, putting people first.


It is aimed at managers, professionals, academics and students who wish to promote and develop a humanistic management approach in their organisations, which will help them to delve into the keys that underpin the long-term success of an organisation, its sustainable performance and its growth, based on the habitual practice of ethical principles.


The sessions have a maximum duration of one hour where a guest speaker presents the fundamental aspects of the book in twenty minutes. Once the presentation is over, through a series of selected excerpts from the book, and with five questions, a dialogue is established between the participants.

*Registered participants will receive a short document (2 pages) with this material to read before the session.


Date 3 november 2022 at 19:00 to 20:30. Thursday.


Faculty of Economics. Ignasi Villalonga room, first floor. and online

Organized by

IECO-UV Business Ethics Chair.



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