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Group of people at a festival
AlumniUV: New festivals to discover in the Valencian Community

Alumni Comparteix is a project in which former students offer activities to current students generating synergies and learning exchange


For AlumniUV Premium / AlumniUV Basic / General public

Registration: https://go.uv.eszO8qCCn

If you enjoy Valencian festivals and traditions, you cannot miss the chat offered by Enrique Collado on Wednesday, 22 of May. A true globetrotter who has travelled to every corner of the region to discover its festivals and show them to the world. Collado has selected ten little-known festivals that he believes deserve special mention. During the chat he will detail the festivities in Zorita del Maestrat of the Virgen María de la Balma, the Canto de Sibila in Ontinyent, the ‘Nit de Fatxos’ in Onil, to Living Chess in Jávea or the Carasses in Petrer. 

Other villages such as Villena, Beneixama, Monover and Benilloba will also be mentioned. Festivities with values, curiosities and history make them unique.

Enrique Collado Belda has been cultural journalist dedicated to festivities since 1987. He is currently the head of an audiovisual project titled ‘Somos Patrimonio’ (We are heritage), which aims to share the festivities, culture and traditions of the Valencian Community. He received his doctorate in Pharmacy from the UV and a doctorate in Communications from the Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera.


Date 22 may 2024 at 18:00 to 19:30. Wednesday.


Graduate Hall of the Faculty of Psychology

Blasco Ibañez 21

Valencia (46010)

Organized by

Contact alumniuv@uv.es

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Price: Gratuït / Gratuito€

Departure date: 06/05/2024

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