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The structure of the Universitat de València webpage is comprised of 6 first-level sections that organise the content of the Home page.  These sections are:

  • The University
    • In this section there is information about the Universitat de València. The mission, vision and values of the UV are explained, as well as the strategic plan and the governing structure. In essence, all the objectives and organisation are included.  There is also a Transparency section following the 2/2015 Transparency, Good Governance and Citizen Participation law.

La Universitat

  • Undergraduate Studies
    • This first-level section includes the undergraduate offer of the UV, the steps that need to be taken, the admission dates and the enrolment process in order for the students to find it easier to join the university, access grants and financial support. The SeDi Information and Promotion Service is in charge of this section.

Estudis de Grau

  • Postgraduate Courses
    • In the Postgraduate Courses section there is information available regarding the studies that the university offers for those who have finished any degree:
      • In the Official Master’s Degrees section, the admission dates and the enrolment process are explained in detail, just like in the previous section. Moreover, the complete Master’s degree offer, which is managed by the Student Service, is also available. 
      • On the other hand, the Doctoral Studies section, which is managed by the doctoral School, includes an updated offer of the studies, both in the main page and in the Doctoral School webpage.
      • Lastly, there is a UV Specific Degrees section, where the offer is included. Depending on the degree, it is either managed by ADEIT-University Business Foundation or the Lluís Alcanyís Foundation. 

Estudis de Postgrau

  • Research and Tech Transfer
    • Research and Tech transfer section, coordinated by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Innovation and Transfer, where all the research done at the UV is presented. 

Recerca i transferència