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It is essential to have an established criteria about the follow-up of other users. In general terms, when creating an account, public / private organizations, themes, events and reference persons that are related to the institution will be actively followed. As rule, it is forbidden to follow commercial entities, except from media. Since the community of accounts to which it subscribes (list of following) characterizes the entity and reputation of the institution, it will avoid following accounts: with an offensive or radical profile, who are only looking to accumulate followers, have no activity or not are identified. In the case of having followed users in the past for specific or specific reasons (eg. former students, accounts of events already held, etc.) it is advisable to make periodic reviews (manually or using audit tools such as SocialBro, Manageflitter, etc.). to stop following those who definitely stop using your profile.

In order to optimally manage this communication, it is advisable that the responsible of the institutional account coordinates with the responsible of the institution (dean, principals, heads of sections, etc.), lists of people or specific organisations to which is convenient to follow closer because their activity matches the institutional profile. These lists can be created in terms of themes or fields. It is advisable to use the hashtag #FF (Follow Friday) as a mechanism to be used for sharing or recommending other users between the network of institutional accounts followers.