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In order to achieve a good YouTube search engine optimization, it is crucial to pay full attention to the redaction of the title and the description of the video. On the other hand, it is advisable that maker of videos does not exceed the 3 minutes and, specially, catch attention during the firsts 15 seconds.

Because the maximum length of the titles of the YouTube video is 100 characters, it must strive ensure to be very descriptive and to use key words related to possible users’ searches.

In the description it is advisable to complement the information with links to profiles in social networks of the organ, service or unit of the UV. For this to work as links, it must include the prefix http:// (eg.

If the video is very long, it is advisable to link punctual interesting featured segments from social networks. For that purpose, it is enough to add to the URL the suffix #det=XXmYYs, where XX,YY represent the specific point of the video measured in minutes and seconds (eg.

As a global strategy in YouTube, the principal corporate profile of the Universitat de València (called UVMEDIA) both promotional UV videos and those videos which are expected or wanted to have a high number of reproductions. To publish videos in the corporative profile of the UV in YouTube, it is necessary to contact with the responsible himself, who will make the publication in the corresponding playlist after a quick authorship checks (assignment of contract rights) and the insertion of a normalised head and tail (according to the image criteria of UV). Contact details of institutional accounts responsible in social networks (the principal as well as those associated with organs, services and units) are appropriately updated on the web of UWM.

All other contents, regarding to videos of intern consumption or expected to have few visualisations, will be characterized of organs, services and units. Furthermore, the profile of this organs, services and units must mandatorily create a internal recommendation network in YouTube following the criteria content suitability or belonging to the campus.

Accessibility and subtitles

As a general guideline, and aiming to offer an AA accessibility level (according to the WCAG 2.0 del W3C regulations) as public administration, it is advisable to subtitle videos so members of the university community with hearing difficulties can fully understand them. To facilitate this task, YouTube incorporate a tools, which includes voice recognition technology, to include subtitles automatically (