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In general, the envelopes shall be printed with the trademark version (corporate, centre, department or service) in the front left area and with the Sender ID locator on the flap at the back, as shown in the diagram that appears in the picture.

Exemple de sobre impres amb la versió de l’isologotip corporatiu

You can choose to use the monochrome versions in order to reduce the production cost of the material on condition that they conform to the defined colours in the colour palette or it makes use of the black and white version.

Additionally, as a general rule, you can use the shape of the emblem combined with institutional trademark (corporate) on the front of the envelope, always printed in black and white version, as shown in this construction.

You can use this building corporate logo version. In the same way, we can incorporate the gauge sender in the form PO on the same front by inserting a line the width of the emblem in its vertical side, 10 mm below the trademark or logo stating the data of postal code in a line and the postal code in the bottom line, written with Eurostile font or default font Minion in accordance with the general typographic criteria established in this Manual.