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Equality Unit. Presentation

Sylvia Martínez Gallego

Vice-Principal Equality, Diversity and Inclusive Policies



The Equality Unit of the University of Valencia, created by agreement of the Governing Council of October 2007, has the main objective of making effective the right to equal treatment and opportunities between women and men.

Among its main functions, the following stand out:


We elaborate and develop the necessary programmes to promote equal opportunities policies in the University:

  • Personnel Policies: Conciliation and Co-responsibility, training, access and professional career and risk prevention.
  • Policies for Key University Processes: Teaching, Research, Innovation and Transfer.
  • University governance in equality and coordination of the specific actions to be undertaken by the different bodies, centres and services.
  • Dissemination of the Culture of Equality: Workshops, Debates, Conferences... that improve university and social perception of the importance of implementing the need for equality amongst men and women.


n addition, we have the Equality Observatory, a key tool to make visible the inequalities between women and men in the university environment based on studies and reports.


The Equality Unit of the Universitat de València is also in charge of assisting with:

  • complaints of cases of sexual harassment, based on sex and sexism that are suffered within the university community in relations between PAS, PDI or Students.

  • to victims of gender violence to protect them from their partner or ex-partner within the UV units and also in other academic and psychological needs.