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Seminar-debate on new trends in cultural mobility

WebinarsLANAU: Science, Evidence and Reason Conversations

Seminar-debate on new trends in cultural mobility

Keynote lecture:

Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio. Researcher. Cultural Management Programme (UB)

Experiences from the University: presentation of the book 'Art, Culture and Economy to Democratize Society'.


Ester Alba. Vice-Rector for Culture and Sport (UV)

Fabienne Trotte. Relais Culture Europe, leading partner of the Horizon2020 project "Trans-Making"

Raúl Abeledo. Academic Director of the UV Cultural Observatory

Ricard Huerta. Professor of the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression UV.

Registration required to attend in person (limited capacity and registration conditioned by the acceptance of the health safety protocol): https://www.uv.es/webinarslanau

Registration required Blackboard connection: https://ir.uv.es/PuWb8Ek


Date 29 april 2021 at 18:00 to 20:00. Thursday.


Face-to-face session in the Aula Magna of the Centre Cultural La Nau and online via Blackboard

Organized by

Org: Nau Digital-Observatori Cultural UV i Fundació General UV

Col: Ajuntament de València i Caixa Popular.


Contact observatori.cultural@uv.es