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Nuccio Ordine
'Between the Parnassus and the market: what university do we want for our students?'


'Between the Parnassus and the market: what university do we want for our students?'


Nuccio Ordine (Diamante, 1958) is a professor of Italian Literature at the University of Calabria and author of various books, several of them on Giordano Bruno.

Interventions by:

Ester Alba Pagán, Vice-Principal for Culture and Sport of the Universitat de València.

Carla Juárez Pinto and Blanca Lirio Asensio, directors of the magazine Parnaso

The universitary cultural magazine Parnaso, awarded with the Activa Cultura 2021 grant, was born in September 2020 as a humanistic space in which to promote all disciplines related to culture and the arts. This non-profit project is conceived as a meeting place in which humanities can be revived from their current lethargy.

Registration link: https://go.uv.es/PY8lOLZ



Date 16 october 2021 at 12:00 to 14:00. Saturday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Org: Vicerectorat de Cultura i Esport

Col: Fundación Antonia Mir. Fundació Per Amor a l’Art.


Contact cultura@uv.es