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Culture in Transition

Observatori Cultural

‘Culture in Transition’


Giulia Quaggio. Researcher at Ramón y Cajal UCM

Presented and moderated by:

Raúl Abeledo. Academic Director of the UV Cultural Observatory 

The cultural changes that came with the Transition to democracy had complex correlates both in the installation of a new cultural institutionality and in artistic production itself. How did cultural policies adjust to the Transition? What are the implications of this new relationship between political power and citizens? Together with the historian Giulia Quaggio, a specialist in the study of post-1945 Europe, we will review how cultural policies and artistic production adjust to the commitment to democratisation. Her research has emphasised the transnational circulation of visual and textual discourses on democracy, peace, dictatorial and post-colonial guilt. Her prolific academic and publishing output reflects her commitment to the dissemination of the recent history of Spain and Europe.

Face-to-face session. Main Hall, Centre Cultural La Nau. Prior registration required and free of charge: https://events.fundacio.es/o/35


Date 30 november 2022 at 18:00 to 20:00. Wednesday.


Aula Magna. Centre Cultural La Nau

Organized by

Observatori Cultural UV. Fundació General UV.


Contact observatori.cultural@uv.es