09:00 - 20:00
Valencian creators support for Human Rights. 70 anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights
Tenured by the designer Boke Bazán, the exhibition 'Valencian creators support for Human Rights. 70...
10:00 - 20:00
“Isabel Oliver. 40 years of committed art (1970-2009)”
Tenured by the Valencian professor Pascual Patuel, this exhibition creates a diachronic path through the artistic...
VI edition of the contest 5UCV Startup for entrepreneurs and companies
UVemprén, through the Vice-Rectorate of Employment and Formative Programmes, promotes the contest "5UCV...
Examinations of the Philharmonic Orchestra of the UV (2019-2020)
The examinations of the OFUV 2019-2020 for the following specialties are called: oboe/cor anglais, clarinet/bass...
3ª Universitat d'Estiu de Sagunt. Inscripció oberta
La Universitat de València presenta la tercera edició de la Universitat d’Estiu de Sagunt, fruit...