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If multimedia (images, videos, presentations...) is used in a specific social media (Instagram, YouTube, Slideshare…) or to complement the content of certain websites, it is necessary to take into account the copyrights of such resources. If the copyright belongs to a third party, it is mandatory that he transfers the rights to the user in advance. If it was necessary, the user of the resource will have to name the original right owner. If children appeared in the multimedia, an express consent of the children’s parents is needed.

Contents created by the Universitat de València (or third parties that have transferred their rights to the UV) will use the Creative Commons Attribution license. It allows using the content for any purpose, including commercial use. In addition, it allows creating derived works, whose distribution is not restricted. For those social networks that permit to define the licence of the contents, the Creative Commons Attribution license will be used by default following the information that has been exposed previously.

Another aspect that should be taken into account is the regulation of personal data protection. Generally speaking, every website that deals with personal data must include legal documents in compliance with the principle of information as set out in the Organic Law 15/1999 of Personal Data Protection (LOPD). In addition, the users’ consent is needed to gather, store and process their data. Given that social media are considered a highly interactive resource, the previously mentioned legal advice will be also included. The following link gathers the privacy policies of the main social networks used by the Universitat de València:

Publications in social networks can affect third-party image rights. In general and in agreement with the Organic Law 1/1982 5 May of Civil Protection of the Right to Honour, Personal and Family Privacy and Image; personal portrayals can only be used when there is a legal or express consent of the owner of the rights. Therefore, it is necessary to use clauses that gather such consent.
Legally speaking, in order to work with social media properly it is necessary to take into account all the aspects of the data protection regulation such as the creation and registration of a file in the corresponding Data Protection Agency or the implementation of security measures. If you have any doubts on legal issues, you can contact the Legal Services of the Universitat de València writing at