University of Valencia logo Logo Web and Marketing Unit Logo del portal

The logo of the Universitat de València is a typographic, unique, unchanging and permanent representation of the verbal corporative institutional form, that is, of the official name of the institution in its abbreviated mode, as is established in its Statutes: ‘Universitat de Valencia’ created from a unique modification of the Trajan font, developed by the Estudi Mariscal.

The logo of the institution represents the history of the University, linking the reference to a five-hundred years old institution which provides the classical typography with a modern and breaking adaptation with the traditional typographic constructions.

UV lggotipo 1 linea sin xano
Institutional logo (or corporate) of the Universitat de València,
in a single line version


The institutional logo (or corporate) can be used in versions of one and two lines, and can be presented in combination with other graphic elements that compose the visual identity of the Universitat de València, always following the rules established for these compositions.

As for its dimensions, cannot be used in sizes below 20mm in the case of a single line version or 10mm in the case of two lines version.