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Call number is a code that allows locating the specific place in the library where a book, journal... is at. Signatures being with an identifying letter of the section to which the document belongs. Thus we have:

( ) Basic bibliography
R Reference
i Specialised bibliography
H Newspaper library
A Old repository

Distribution of book in the sections of Basic bibliography, Reference and Specialised bibliography, is by subjects, following the UDC classification (Universal Decimal Classification). This assigns to each subject a numerical code. Subjects slowly assemble from the most general to the most specific by means of adding numbers to the right of the main code. The main subjects are:

Subject UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) Subject UDC (Universal Decimal Classification)
Accounting 657 Labour. Labour economy 331
Administrative Law 342.9 Labour Law 349.2
Advertising. Public relations 659 Language 8
Canon law 348 Law philosophy 340.12
Civil law 347 Legal Law 343
Comerce. World economy 339 Linguistics 8
Commercial Law 347.7 Literature 8
Company economy 658 Macroeconomy Microeconomy 330.10
Computer Sciences 004 Marketing. Markets 658.8
Constitutional Law 342 Mathematical analysis 517
Construction Law 349.44 Mathematical statistics 519.2
Consume 366 Mathematics 51
Consumer Law 366 Occupational safety 331.4
Cooperativism. Social economy 334 Philosophy 1
Criminology 343.9 Politics. Political systems 32
Cultural anthropology 39 Procedural Law 347.9
Demography 314 Psychology 159.9
Econometry 330.43 Public administration 35
Economic situation 338 Roman Law 34(37)
Economy 330 Social politics 304
Education 37 Social security 369
Environmental Law 349.6 Social situation 308
Financial and Tax Law 336 Social work 364
Financing system. Bank 336.7 Sociology 316
History. Geography 9 Tourism 338.48
History of economics 338(091) Urban planning 711
History of Law 34(091) Women 396
Human resources 658.3    
Industry and commerce 65    
Insurances 368    
Internacional Law 341    

When we search for a book or magazine in the Trobes catalog, the location of the book or journal is facilitated by the call number.

The call numbers of the books have the following format:

S R34(038) DES

  • S: "Gregori Maians" Library of Social Sciences 
  • R: reference work (orange book label, on ground 0 north)
  • 34(038): numeric code assigned to the subject (UDC)
  • DES: alphabetical order after each subject

S i364 PER

  • S: "Gregori Maians" Library of Social Sciences 
  • i: monograph (blue book label, in grounds 0 and 1)
  • 364: numeric code assigned to the subject (UDC)
  • PER: alphabetical order after each subject

S 681.3 AMB

  • Basic bibliography (white or yellow book label, in ground -1)
  • S: "Gregori Maians" Library of Social Sciences 
  • 681.3: numeric code assigned to the subject (UDC)
  • AMB: alphabetical order after each subject

The distribution of the journals is carried out by correlative numbers. Thus, the subjects will have the following format:

S H 534
S H 1254

Once you know the call number, you should look in the map for the location of the document inside the library.