UVlibrariesUniversitat de València Logo del portal

  • elibro


    New e-book collection: eLibro Social Sciences

    The UV Libraries have just subscribed to a new collection of electronic books: eLibro Social Sciences. The collection is made up of more than 51,500 titles, consisting of books, journals, reports, theses... from more than 100 prestigious publishers including: MCGraw-Hill, Narcea, UOC, Gustavo Gili (GG), Marcial Pons, Herder, CIS, Trea, etc.

    The access to the books is done through this link: https://elibro.net/es/lc/univalencia/inicio/

    The collection does not have direct access from Trobes (individual books do). The books can be read online, saved to your bookshelf if you create a user account, and allows downloading/printing of a certain number of pages.

    To download the e-book you need to register for free on the platform with a personal account. Here is a help video.

  • aneca sexenios


    Informative session on the new evaluation criteria for the evaluation of research activity (sexenios) by ANECA

    Following the publication of the new criteria for the evaluation of research activity (sexenios) by ANECA and the requirements of contribution to open science, the Libraries and Documentation Service has scheduled an information session and resolution of doubts for the research staff of the University of Valencia.

    The session will be held with Zoom, next January 18 from 9:00 to 11:00 h.

    Join Zoom Meeting: Link here

    For any questions, you can contact The Library Responds.

  • cursos apren


    Registration open for the second edition of the Aprén courses

    The registration period for the second edition of the Aprén courses (AprénCD or AprénTFG) is now open, from now until 2:00 p.m. on January 26th.

    In case you don't know them, Aprende courses are online courses that aim to develop the digital skills of the students of the Universitat de València, training them in basic digital skills for the study and completion of class work (AprénCD course) and in the digital skills necessary to prepare the final degree project (AprénTFG course).

    In addition, the courses can be validated for 1.5 academic credits in different undergraduate degrees, including the degrees of Teacher in Early Childhood Education and Teacher in Primary Education.

    You can consult all the information about the courses, enrollment, price or degrees that recognize the credits in the Aprén courses biblioguide.

  • grafitti


    January Schedule

    We remind you that during the month of January the library will be open from 8:30 am to 2:00 am until the early morning of the 26th (already on the 27th) with the exception of the 22nd, which will be closed due to a local holiday.

    Remember that to access the library during this period, users must identify themselves with their university card or any other document that accredits them as members of the University. The ID card may be requested to verify that the user is the owner of the card and the loan will be from 8:30 am to 20:30 pm.

    And from February 3rd the library will be open on Saturdays from 9 am to 13:45 pm.

    Cheer up with your exams!

  • aviso


    Notice of temporary library closure Friday 22th

    Due to the celebration of the Christmas Party, the library will be closed from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Friday 22nd. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • nadal


    Horari especial de Nadal i període d'exàmens

    Amb motiu dels festius de la Constitució, la Immaculada i el dia del campus, la biblioteca estarà TANCADA els dies 6, 7 i 8 de desembre.

    Per altra banda, l'horari de Nadal serà el següent:

    • 24, 25 i 26 de desembre, 1 i 6 de gener: TANCADA.
    • Del 27 al 29 de desembre i del 2 al 4 de gener: 8:30 a 2:00 (préstec de 8:30 a 14:30).
    • 5 de gener: 8:30 a 14:30

    Hi haurà obertura especial per a l'estudi els caps de setmana:

    • 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 23 i 30 de desembre i 7, 13, 14, 20 i 21 de gener: 8:30 a 2h
    • 30 de desembre: 8:30 a 2 h (sense préstec)
    • 31 de desembre: 9 a 14 h (sense préstec)
    • 22 de gener: TANCADA

    Teniu més informació a la nostra secció d'horaris i també podeu consultar en el següent enllaç els horaris especials de la resta de biblioteques de la UV.

    Recordeu que durant el període d'exàmens es demanarà el carnet de la UV o qualsevol document que els acredite com a membres de la Universitat per a accedir a les biblioteques. Es podrà demanar el DNI per a comprovar que l'usuari és el propietari de la targeta.