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Presentation of the book Francisco M. Gimeno Blay

  On Tuesday, January 23, the professor of Medieval History and Historiographic Sciences and Techniques at the University of Valencia, Francisco M. Gimeno Blay,   will present the book “Desaparecido: el azaroso viaje del Liber Augustalis” in the Duque de Calabria room of the Historical Library.

 The book is number 1 in a new series of monographs on the ancient book, Inutilitas Librorum, edited by Publicacions Universitat de València and the Historical   Library. It tells an interesting and unknown story. On November 26, 1940, the Historical Library of the University of Valencia reported the disappearance of the   manuscript of the Liber Augustalis, which had been part of the library of the kings of Aragon in Naples (15th century). A century later, the dukes of Calabria would   give it to the monastery of San Miguel de los Reyes in Valencia. In 1837, on the occasion of the confiscation of Mendizábal, this valuable manuscript would be kept   by the University Library. Now, eighty-three years later, his whereabouts have been located. An exhaustive study of the existing documentation has allowed us to conclude that the manuscript currently kept in the Peralada Palace Library is none other than the one that disappeared from our library in 1940.

Place: Sala Duc de Calàbria Time: 6:00 h.


Valencian Book Day: Tornem al Tirant!

On the occasion of the Valencian Book Day 2023, the Biblioteca Històrica is organizing the continuous reading of Tirant lo Blanc by Joanot Martorell, Tuesday 21 November from 10:00 am. The aim of the initiative is to promote the knowledge of the Valencian language and culture, to introduce Valencian authors and works and to bring the bibliographic heritage closer to the whole of society.

To take part in the reading, call 96 162 55 86 (from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.), from Monday to Friday.

Encourage yourself to participate! Llegim Tirant!



Presentation of the book of Josep Lluís Martos

On Thursday, April 27, Josep Lluís Martos, Professor of Medieval Literature at the University of Alicante, presented his book El primer cancionero impreso y un pliego poético incunable at the Biblioteca Histórica. The author gave a lecture in which he announced news about one of the jewels of our collection, Obres o trobes en lahors de la Verge Maria, the first Hispanic poetic print, produced in Valencia in 1474 and unique copy in the world. He also talked about the work Salve Regina by Pere Vilaspinosa, also preserved in the library, which, according to the latest research -which would date it between 1491 and 1495- becomes the first strictly poetic Valencian printed sheet of which there is evidence.

Place: Sala Duc de Calàbria     Time: 19:00h 

    Photo gallery


Valencian Book Day 2022. Llegim rondalles!

On November 16, on the occasion of Valencian Book Day, the Historical Library organised the continuous reading of Rondalles valencianes by Enric Valor. More than a hundred people read short fragments of this work, the result of the magnificent work of recovery of the oral storytelling tradition carried out by the author. The activity was enlivened throughout the day by Colla de Dolçaines i Percussió de la Universitat de València with typical pieces of traditional Valencian music. There was also a micro-exhibition "Rondalles i rondallistes en la Biblioteca Històrica" with a selection of works that included, among others, the edition printed in Valencia in 1768 of the work by Lluís Galiana Rondàlla de rondàlles... or the three volumes of the first edition of Rondalles valencianes by Enric Valor with his autograph dedication.

    Video summary of Valencian Book Day 2022


3rd Conference on Bibliographic Heritage Management
The 3rd Conference on Bibliographic Heritage Management, organised by the REBIUN Bibliographic Heritage Working Group and the University of Valencia, was held on 26 and 27 May at the Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia. Nearly 200 registered participants from 68 institutions took part in the conference, which was designed to serve as a forum for debate among specialists on the various aspects of the management of heritage collections. During these days, experts from different institutions presented a total of 3 conferences and 32 papers, which could also be followed via live broadcast.

In this link you can see some videos of the day 


Valencian Book Day 2021. Carmelina Sánchez-Cutillas: Matter of Brittany
CarmelinaFor the third consecutive year and on the occasion of the Valencian Book Day, the Historical Library celebrated that day with a continuous reading in the Duque de Calabria room of the University of Valencia. This year was a day of recognition of Carmelina Sánchez-Cutillas. Among the activities carried out there was a continuous reading of her work Materia de Brittany (Andrómina Prize in 1975). It was also possible to visit the traveling exhibition Carmelina Sánchez-Cutillas: From the Frontiers of Silence, organized by the Valencian Academy of Language, and contemplate the pieces that make up the "Carmelina Universe", a small sample of works from the Library's ancient collection Historical

   In this link you can see some videos of the day 


Valencian Book Day 2020. Isabel de Villena: A woman of our time
The Historical Library, with the collaboration of the Nicolau Primitiu Valencian Library, organizes a collective reading of fragments of the work Vita Christi by Isabel de Villena. With this activity, both institutions want to bring Valencian society closer to the valuable bibliographic heritage they guard, and promote knowledge of the work of the first and only writer in Valencian of our medieval letters, an intellectual from Valencia of the 15th century, Siglo de Gold of the Valencian letters. Isabel de Villena is also considered a woman ahead of her time

  More information


# PoesiaDesDelSofà Poetry Day 2020 Celebration on Facebook
On March 21, 2020, to celebrate International Poetry Day, they were invited to participate in an activity on Facebook consisting of sharing a video or image reading a poem.


Tirant lo BlancValencian Book Day 2019. Continuous reading of Tirant lo Blanc
On the occasion of the Valencian Book Day, the Historical Library organized on November 20, 2019 a continuous reading of the work Tirant lo Blanc open to all the public. Throughout the day the incunabula printed in Valencia in 1490 was exhibited, belonging to the Library's collection and of which only three copies are preserved in the world. The event began with the musical interpretation of two pieces from the Red Book by Patricia Garcia (viola) and Elia Casanova (voice). This was followed by the reading, in which more than 100 people participated.
Access to the video of the continuous reading of Tirant lo Blanc in MEDIAUNI 


Clàssics a la Nau

‘Clàssics a La Nau’ is a series of conferences organised by the Universitat de València and the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua, the purpose of which is to publicise some of the bibliographic treasures of our culture preserved in the Historical Library of the Universitat de València. 

The cycle will take place over 15 sessions, from September 2014 to February 2016, held on the last Thursday of each month, at 19:00 h. in the Aula Magna of La Nau Cultural Centre (C/ Universitat, 2).

Conference programme

Access to the conferences recorded on the MediaUni Culture Channel. University of Valencia
(25 September 2014) - Francisco M. Gimeno Blay (Universitat de València): "Belli in superlativo grado". Els manuscrits medievals i renaixentistes de la Universitat de València Access to video
(30 October 2014) - Josep L. Barona (Universitat de València): La higiene i l’aigua en l’univers clàssic. El manuscrit De balneis Puteolanis de Petrus de Ebolo (BH Ms. 838). Access to video
(27 November 2014) - Albert G. Hauf (Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua, Universitat de València): La Galàxia Gutenberg. Els incunables valencians. Una cultura de transició? . Access to video
(11 December 2014) - Antoni Ferrando (Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua, Universitat de València): El primer llibre imprés a València: Les Trobes en lahors de la Verge Maria i el seu context.  
(29 January 2015) - Aniceto Masferrer (Universitat de València): Furs e ordinacions del Regne de València. El moviment compilatori a la tradició jurídica valenciana. Access to video
(26 February 2015) - Rafael Alemany (Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua, Universitat d'Alacant): El Tirant lo Blanc: diversitat de material i cohesió textual. Access to video
(26 March 2015) - Vicent Gacia Peris (Universitat Catòlica de València): Una aproximació a la traducció corellana de la Vita Christi de Ludolf de Saxònia.  
(30 April 2015) - Ramon Ferrer (Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua, Universitat de València): Francesc Eiximenis, Regiment de la cosa pública, 1499.  
(28 May 2015) - Mercedes Gallent (Universitat de València): Herbes per a guarir. Un receptari medieval valencià de començament del segle XV. Access to video
(24 September 2015) - Josep A. Aguilar (Universitat Catòlica de València): La Crònica de Ramon Muntaner. Access to video
(29 October 2015) - Antoni Furió (Universitat de València). La fascinació valenciana pel monarca fundador del regne. La Crònica del gloriosíssim e invictíssim rey en Jacme primer, impresa a València el 1557, per la vídua de Joan Mey Access to video
(6 November 2015) Francesc J. Hernàndez i Dobon (Universitat de València): La Linguae latinae exercitatio de Vives i la tradició dels diàlegs escolars d'humanistes. Access to video
(17 December 2016) Carles Tormo (Universitat de València): Constitucions del Estudi General de la insigne ciutat de València, 1611. Access to video
(28 January 2016) Francisco M. Gimeno Blay (Universitat de València): Sant Vicent Ferrer, el Compromís de Casp i el diari de sessions de la Universitat de València (BH Ms. 40) Access to video
(25 February 2016) Emili Casanova (Universitat de València): La llengua en la traducció del Valeri Màxim d'Antoni Canals. Access to video