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¿Por qué Berlanga?. Encuentro alrededor de la figura de Luis García Berlanga. 04/06/2019. Centre Cultural La Nau. 19.00h
Why Berlanga?


Why Berlanga?

20 years since París-Tombuctú

In celebration of the 20th birthday of París-Tombuctú, José Luis García-Berlanga (productor and director), Sol Carnicero (director of production) and Rafael Maluenda (scriptwriter and director) will discuss with the public the trajectory, personality, work and validity of Berlanga's cinema during the 21st century and his legacy for nacional and international film makers.

How have we been influenced by his cinema? What were his personal marks? Why is Berlanga still today a synonym for modernity and transgession? The three guests will try to answer these and many other questions.


Free entry, limited seating


Date 4 june 2019 at 19:00 to 21:00. Tuesday.


Aula Magna. La Nau Cultural Centre

Organized by

Cinema Club.


Contact auladecinema@uv.es