‘Art drives to thinking’ conference by the Institute of Creativity

  • Tarongers Institutes Support Unit
  • November 28th, 2018
Josep Maria Terricabras
Josep Maria Terricabras

On Friday 30 November, philosopher and MEP Josep Maria Terricabras will give the inaugural talk of the international conference ‘Art drives to thinking. Familiar and unfamiliar dialogues from freedom, identity and independence’ organised by the University Institute of Educational Creativity and Innovation.

The conference will start at 10 a.m. at the Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània (CCCC), organising the meeting along with the University Institute of Educational Creativity and Innovation. The Centre de Documentació d’Art València Contemporani Professor Romà de la Calle, the Institut Polonés de Cultura and the Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana will take part in the conference as well.

Translator of Wittgenstein, Nietzsche and Freud into Catalan, professor Terricabras is an emeritus full professor of Philosophy in the University of Girona and a MEP for Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya. His talk is named Freedom of criticism and creativity and he will be introduced by professor Ricard Silvestre, head of the conference and researcher in the Institute of Educational Creativity and Innovation.

Inés Artola, from the Universitat de València, will talk about the approaches of Polish art from a current perspective. Piotr Zagórski, from the Autonomous University of Madrid, will give a lecture titled Freedom, a shared identity between the Polish and Spanish society. Amparo Zacarés, from the Universitat Jaume I, will be in charge of the closing conference, under the title Opportunities and hopes before a vain past.

According to professor Ricard Silvestre, “a crossroads establishing the defence of illustrated values, or their dissolution, must be established in today’s Europe, very complex due to its enriching cultural, social and political diversity. By considering this situation, key concepts for building Europe must be revised, a critical analysis in which art and esthetical ideas might arouse critical impulse. In this sense, where should Poland’s creativity be put after 100 years of its independence? What are Poland’s similarities with Spain in terms of political issues? As Kant stated, ‘art drives to thinking’ so we cannot ignore art and the resulting issues. An exhibition of Polish recent art, although it may seem to be very far away, brings us closer to the issues in Valencia.”  

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