#FilSostenibilitatUV contest will give three prizes of 200 euros in sustainable products to the university community

  • Press Office
  • December 20th, 2022

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life of the Universitat de València organises the first edition of the Sustainability contest in a Twitter thread: ‘FilSostenibilitatUV’. It will be opened between December 20 of 2022 and February 24 of 2023. The contest is addressed to the university community. Three prizes of 200 euros will be given to winners as a gift voucher. They can be validated on the Universitat Shop or for products from the academic institution's sustainable markets.

People interested in taking part in the contest will have to publish a Twitter thread expressing an idea or commitment regarding sustainability in a maximum of 15 tweets. The first tweet of the thread must start with #FilSostenibilitatUVInici and end with #FilSostenibilidadUVFin, mentioning in both cases to @UV_EG and @Sostenible_UV. Twitters thread must use Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS) as a reference. Those have been passed by the ONU in 2015 for the enforcement of the Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development under the slogan Transforming Our World. In particular, 17 objectives and 169 goals are proposed around five main themes related to: the planet, people, prosperity, peace and alliances. They can be found here. 

The aim of the contest is making people aware and promoting reflections and practical actions regarding sustainability among university community of the Universitat de València. In addition, it also helps to develop communication skills and scientific dissemination through publishing a Twitter thread.

Students, the teaching and research staff (PDI) and the administrative and service staff (PAS) of the Universitat de València, who are active on the academic year 2022-2023, can participate in the contest.

Three prizes of 200 euros will be given to winners as a gift voucher. They can be validated on the Universitat Shop or for products from the UV's sustainable markets.

The contest is part of the activities organised by the vice-principal aiming that sustainability becomes a guiding principle in the Universitat de València. In this way, university institutions are seen as an essential part of change agents for awareness, innovation and applicability of Sustainable Development Objectives (ODS) for the Agenda 2030 enforcement.

Candidacies will be assessed by a jury formed by the UV Sustainability team.

The contest rules can be seen in detail here.