The academic year will finish remotely, and the Governing Council gets ready for telematic meetings

  • Office of the Principal
  • April 3rd, 2020
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This has been the agreement reached on Friday 3 April by the group of Valencian public Universities and the Valencian Ministry for Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society.In this exceptional context, the Governing Council, on a first telematic meeting, approved the resolution from the office of the principal that accepts remote meetings of the collegiate bodies.

Throughout this week, the principal of the Universitat de València has participated in videoconferences with the Minister for Universities, ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation) and CRUE (Conference of Principals of Spanish Universities), in which the health emergency situation and its consequences on the university system have been studied.

In this sense, the Royal Decree of the declaration of the alert state stipulates in the Article 9 the suspension of the presential teaching activity in this exceptional period that has been extended to the 11 April.

The possibility of extending this situation to the end of April, or the implementation of measures for a gradual reinstatement of ordinary activities and the later effective of the resolution of the Valencian Government that indefinitely suspended the teaching activity at all educational levels in the Valencian Community created doubts on the continuity of the presential teaching activity.

In this sense, and through the CRUE, the Spanish universities suggested the possibility of maintaining the non-presential teaching until the end of the academic year, at the middle of May.

This is what the principal informed to the deans and centre directors of the Universitat de València and the representatives of the students of the Universitat, with the aim at maintaining the academic calendar in the Universitat de València and that any student give up the academic course.

In the videoconference-meeting held this morning by the principals of the Valencian public universities and the Valencian Minister for Universities, it has been agreed:

  • To maintain online teaching all over the rest of the academic course 2019-2020.
  • To develop the procedures to adapt the evaluation through non-presential means in each university.

In order to implement this agreement of the Valencian Government from a perspective of adapting the teaching guides and to guarantee the proper functioning of the bodies of the Universitat de València, the Governing Council of the Universitat has remotely met in a call that consisted of a single point: to confirm the resolution of the Office of the Principal that will make possible remote meetings of the collegiate bodies of the Universitat.

Approved by 49 votes in favour, one abstention and one null vote, normative support is given to the decision-making of the university bodies in the context of remote working.


The full text of the agreement between the Valencian Government and the Valencian Public University System is available here:


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