The Annual UV Data Book of the academic year 2015-2016 offers 121 reports and 22 charts on studies, people or research of the UV

  • January 18th, 2017
Servei d'Estadística

The Analysis and Planning Service (SAP) of the UV, dependent on the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation, has published the Annual UV Data Book of the academic year 2015-2016. In the site people can consult data and the most representative numbers of the UV, in 121 reports and 22 charts on graduate and postgraduate students, people, research, cultural diffusion, economics, libraries, spaces, etc.

The main published data related to students include access information, enrolments, graduate students, grants, exchange programmes and work placements. In this edition, new charts have been added on each section to facilitate the analysis of data. 

The Annual UV Data Book includes information coming from different data sources. Among the last incorporated sources we can highlight the Professional Placement and Careers Advice Monitoring Centre (OPAL), which gives data of surveys on employability, and ADEIT, which gives the numbers of postgraduate students.

With regards to the staff, we need to highlight the population pyramids of the Human Resources Service teaching and Research Staff (PDI), the Human Resources Service Administration and Services Staff (PAS) and of the research staff and training activities devoted to these groups.

They also inform of the most relevant data of the research memory and of the transfer of research results, as well as the main activities of cultural diffusion, scientific dissemination and training along someone’s life.

Finally, in the section of organisation and government, the main numbers of budget, spaces in the UV and libraries can be consulted.