Astronomer Amèlia Ortiz wins 2019 Europlanet Prize

  • Fundació Parc Científic
  • April 30th, 2019
Amèlia Ortiz

Amèlia Ortiz Gil, from the Astronomic Observatory of the Universitat, has been awarded the Europlanet Prize for Public Engagement with Planetary Science granted by the Europlanet Society, a platform managed by the European Science Foundation. The prize recognizes the pioneering work of the Valencian astronomer in the development of educational and dissemination resources for people with special needs.

Amèlia Ortiz has more than 15 years of experience in the dissemination of Astronomy, from her working position at the Astronomic Observatory of the Universitat de València, in the Science Park of the academic institution. She has led numerous initiatives to promote the accessibility to astronomy, including the development of 3D tactile planetary globes of the Moon, Mars and Venus. In 2013, she led the development of “A Touch of the Universe”, the first project to create a set of astronomic resources accessible to the blind and visual disability. “I believe that heaven is for everyone to enjoy it. As professionals in the dissemination field, we have a moral duty to contribute so anyone can reach the stars”, the prize-winner said.

Ortiz Gil is the president of the Working Group on Astronomy for Equity and Inclusion of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), and she is the National Dissemination Coordinator, for Spain, of the same organisation. She leads the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the UAI in 2019 and has contributed to the traveling exhibition “Inspiring Stars” of the IAU100 on inclusion and accessibility in astronomy, from school to professional environments. During the International Year of Astronomy (IYA) of 2009, Amèlia Ortiz directed the development of the “Hands in the Sky” programme for the blind and coordinated the activities for people with disabilities in Spain. “Dr. Ortiz has managed to create resources for innovative and successful dissemination, and has been fundamental in making planetary science and astronomy more inclusive and diverse”, said Pedro Russo, of Leiden University and former coordinator of the International Year of Astronomy 2009. Her commitment to scientific communication makes Astronomy present in the different activities on knowledge dissemination, carried out by the Universitat de València, such as Expociència.

The Europlanet Prize, which includes an allocation of 4,000 euros, will be presented during the EPSC-DPS 2019 joint meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, on 16th September.

The Europlanet Society promotes the advancement of European planetary science. Since 2005, it has provided to the European scientific community a platform to exchange ideas and staff, to share research resources, data and facilities, to define key scientific objectives for the future and to involve interest groups, policy makers and European citizens in planetary issues.

Amèlia Ortiz,  picture in Expociència (Photography: Miguel Lorenzo)


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